Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
BIGSSS has established a Scientific Advisory Board to support its long-term institutional development. The SAB evaluates the work of BIGSSS and acts as a think-tank for future developments. It consists of eight international scientists from the core disciplines of BIGSSS:
- Prof. Dr. Helmut K. Anheier, former Dean and Senior Professor of Sociology at Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Anton C. Hemerijck, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences at Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Wim van Oorschot, emeritus Professor of Social Policy at the Department of Sociology at Leuven University, Belgium
- Prof. Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal at University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Prof. Dr. Rainer K. Silbereisen, Research Professor of Developmental Psychology and Former Director of the Center for Applied Developmental Science (CADS) at University of Jena, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Duncan Snidal, Professor of International Relations at Nuffield College University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Prof. Dr. Heike Solga, Director of the Research Unit "Skill Formation and Labor Markets" at Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Berlin, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Colleen Ward, Professor of Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand