Postdoc Fellows

Affiliated Postdocs

Dr. Murat Ardag
Constructor University

Research Interests

Murat Ardag is a data scientist and a political psychologist. Psychometrics, psycholinguistics, cross-cultural research, and modeling subjectivity are among his research interests.

Dr. Armin Müller
Constructor University
Tel.: +49 421 200-3473

Research Interests

1. Political economy of China and comparative politics, with a focus on:

- Social insurance and the healthcare system
- Skill formation, vocational education and the role of companies
- Migration (with a focus on social protection)
- Decentralization, fiscal policy, and local government

2. China’s foreign policy and international relations

Dr. Dora Ṥimunović
Constructor University
Tel.: +49 421 200 3968

Research Interests

  • Evolutionary psychology of intergroup conflict and dynamics between minorities and majorities
  • Management of common resources in heterogeneous societies
  • Impact of religious belief and secular authority on social behaviour

Dr. Ruth Abramowski
Universität Bremen, Socium
Tel.: +49 421 218 58550

Research Interests

  • Gender and work
  • Sociology of families and intimate lives
  • European analysis of social structure
  • Comparative welfare state research
  • Social inequalities and well-being
  • Quantitative methods


Dr. Adekunle Adedeji
Constructor University
Affiliated Postdoc

Research Interests

  • Quality of life
  • Social capital
  • Migration and migrants' wellbeing
  • Discrimination and microaggression
  • Social determinants of life outcomes

Dr. Srivastava Ajita
Constructor University
Affiliated Postdoc

Research Interests

  • Decision making
  • Developing countries
  • Urbanization
  • Social Change
  • Cross-cultural research
  • Applied social psychology
  • Economic psychology

Dr. Dennis Redeker
Universität Bremen
Affiliated Postdoc
Tel.: +49 421 218-676 37

Research Interests

  • International Relations
  • Global governance
  • Internet governance
  • Platform governance
  • AI governance
  • Digital constitutionalism
  • Transnational civil society

Dr. Ekaterina Widmer-Lytkina
Universität Bremen
Affiliated Postdoc

Research Interests

- emotions
- perceived injustice
- social inequality
- popuilsm
- experimental research
- cross-country comparisons
- quantitative & mixed-method research