Purpose and Goals of BIGSSS
BIGSSS integrates excellent areas of graduate education and research at the University of Bremen and Constructor University into a synergetic inter-university institution designed to be an internationally competitive model of graduate education.
BIGSSS' guiding principles are education to excellence, quality assurance, and effective funding.
Founded upon the core disciplines of political science, sociology and psychology (while also integrating bordering disciplines) and supported by a solid foundation in social-science methodology, BIGSSS offers advanced interdisciplinary training, thus preparing fellows for leading professional positions inside and outside of academia, both nationally and internationally. BIGSSS' graduate education and research can be subsumed under the umbrella theme “Changing Patterns of Social and Political Integration“.
BIGSSS is based on the collaboration among a number of outstanding research institutes at the two universities and can draw on an excellent social science landscape both at the University of Bremen and Constructor University. This cooperation facilitates the early integration of doctoral students into a strong research environment, and ensures a cutting-edge research orientation in BIGSSS' curricular and thematic development.
Annual Report
The BIGSSS Annual Report informs about academic and institutional developments and portraits new faces at BIGSSS in the previous calendar year.
(Click on the picture to download the Annual Report 2022)