The BIGSSS faculty consists of more than 60 members who function as supervisors and advisors for our PhD fellows. Please find below their research profiles, publications and contact information.
Universität Bremen
Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity (UB)
Tel.: +49 421 218 66430
Research Interests
- Social Inequality
- Families in the Context of Migration
- Intergenerational Transmission of Value and Transitions
Research Interests
- Political Socialization (Xenophobia, Right-wing extremism)
- Value Change and Value Transmission
- Social Cohesion
Methods Expertise
- Analysis of Variance
- Latent Growth Modeling
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Structural Equation Modeling
Universität Bremen / Institut für Informationsmanagement Bremen GmbH (ifib)
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218 56571
Research Interests
- Information Management and Educational Technologies
- Science and Technology Studies
- Mediatization Research
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Inequality
- Ageing Societies
- Quality of Life & Subjective Well-being
Methods Expertise
- Panel Analysis
- Time-series Analysis
Universität Bremen, Institut für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (iaw)
Tel.: +49 421 218 61710
Research Interests
- (Comparative) Family Politics Analysis
- (Comparative) Labor Market Analysis
- Industrial Relations
Research Interests
- Quality of Life, Quality of Work, Work-Life Balance
- Family, Household, Gender
- Social Capital and Social Cohesion
- Life Course Research
Methods Expertise
- Event History (Survival) Analysis
- Questionnaire Construction
- Research Design and Modeling
- Survey Design
- Various Regression Techniques
Research Interests
- Labor Market and Social Policy in Europe
- Comparative labor market research
- European integration
- Labor market flexibility
- Labor market reforms
- Evaluation of Labor Market Programs
- Labor Market Institutions
Research Interests
- Political and Economic Sociology (Sociology of Money, Sociology of Transformation, Economic Culture, Inequality)
- Discourse Analysis (qualitative and quantitative approaches)
- Sociology of Sports
- Regional Focus: Eastern Europe
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Universität Bremen, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft (IfG)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67200
Research Interests
- Latin American history of the nineteenth and twentieth century.
- Main regional interests are Chile and the Southern Cone in general, Mexico and Haiti.
- Main research interests lie in the history of the armed forces in the Southern Cone and particularly Chile, the history of the welfare state in the Southern Cone, history of health, history of Latin American population, global history, history of migration, gender history
- Relationship between history and film and its manyfold implications for historic memory and history writing
Research Interests
- The Impact of Social Stratification on Social Mobility
- Global Dynamics of Middle Classes
Research Interests
- Entrepreneurship with a special focus on Emerging Markets and the competitiveness of firms in these markets
- International Marketing and Branding: Internationalization and market entry strategies, global branding strategies
Visit Prof. Halaszovich's --> Website
Research Interests
Social Conflicts
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Network Research
- Social Inequality
Methods Expertise
- Case Selection
- Generalization in qualitative Research
- Expert Interviews
- Grounded Theory
- Mixed Methods Designs
- Qualitative comparative Analysis
- Qualitative Content Analysis
- Qualitative Interviewing: from guided Interviews to narrative Interviews
- Reconstructive Methods of Data Analysis (documentary Method of Interpretation / Bohnsack, Narration Analysis / Schütze, objective Hermeneutics / Oevermann)
- Social Network Research (Theoretical Concepts, quantitative and qualitative approaches)
Research Interests
- The Welfare State in East-central Europe
- Healthcare Systems in East-central Europe
- Labor Relations in East-central Europe
- (Comparative) Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health Policy
Research Interests
- Emotion and Emotion Regulation
- Social Robotics and Affective Computing
- Psychology of the Internet
Universität Bremen, Pedagogy and Educational Sciences (FB 12)
Tel.: +49 421 218 69020
Research Interests
Educational situation and careers of migrant children and juveniles in Germany
Islam in German schools
Headscarf-discussion in German schools
Living conditions and orientation of girls and women with a migrant family background
Universität Bremen, Business Studies & Economics (FB07)
Tel.: +49 421 218-66560
Research Interests
- Sustainability, Health and Climate Change and the Role of Fiscal Policy
- Computational Economics, esp. (boundly) rational dynamic programing techniques
- Housing Economics and the Role of Monetary Economics
- Economics of Innovation and Automation
- Economics of Inequality
Constructor University
Academic Chair (BIGSSS), Speaker RTG Self
Tel.: +49 421 200 3426
Research Interests
- Cultural Differences in the Meaning of Choice
- Learning and Teaching in Multicultural Settings
- Foundations of Morality and Religious Beliefs
Research Interests
- Social cohesion
- Gender-based violence
- Health inequalities
- Family and health care policy
Methods Expertise
- Questionnaire design
- Phenomenological qualitative research
Research Interests
- (Outward Foreign Direct Investment of) Emerging Market Multinationals
- Social Media Usage
- Innovation Management, Design Thinking and Diversity
Research Interests
- Health Psychology
- Return to Work
- Workability
- Diversity Management
Research Interests
Emergence of social complexity
Methods Expertise
- Social Data Science with R
- Mathematics for the Social Scientist
- Data Visualization (with R)
Research Interests
- German Electoral and Legislative Politics (Imperial Period, Weimar & post-1945)
- Political Careers, their Determinants and Effects
- The Religious Cleavage and European Party Systems
- Parliamentarization in France and/or Italy since 1900 - a Quantitative Approach
- Carl Schmitt's Theory of International Relations/Law
- Varieties of Education Systems
- The Role of the Welfare State in the Political Economy of Advanced Industrialiszed Countries
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67498
Research Interests
- Global Public Policies, especially Global Education, and Social Policy
- Transnational Relations, International Civil Societies, and NGOs
- International Organizations, especially the OECD, and the UN
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67483
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67476
Research Interests
- Contemporary Political Theory, in particular Democratic Theory, Theories of Power and Theories of the Political
- Income Tax Policy and Fiscal Sociology
Research Interests
- Democratic Theory and Proceduralism
- Legitimacy of Capitalism, Empirical Research on Legitimation Processes
- Political Theory of the Welfare State
- Theories of Justice
Research Interests
- Functioning of (Semi-)authoritarian Political Regimes with a special Focus on Public Protests and Mass Media
- Reforming Social Policy in the Post-Soviet Region
Research Interests
- (Comparative) Welfare State Analysis
- (Compaartive) Long-term Care Economics, Policies and Politics
- (Comparative) Health Economics, Policies and Politics
- Ageing Societies
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67475
Research Interests
- International Political Sociology
- Sociology of the State
- Political Violence
Research Interests
- Institutional Change & Environmental Resources
- Environmental Governance
- Sustainable Development
- Marine Social Sciences
- Institutions and Environmental Behaviour
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Academic Chair (BIGSSS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67484
Research Interests
- Policy Making in the EU
- The Power of (National and International) Courts
- Mutual Recognition as a Means of Integration
- 'Welfare Migration' in the EU
- Regional Integration Processes and Labor Migration
Research Interests
- Transnational Relations, International Civil Societies and NGOs
- Policy Making in the EU
- Political Violence
- Economic Statecraft and International Relations
- Eurasian Integration: New Silk Road
- Transnational Governance
Research Interests
- The New Silk Road and EU-China Relations
- China, Global Political Economy and Socio-economic Challenges
- Implications from the Rise of Large Emerging Countries
Research Interests
- Electoral Studies, Parliamentary Research and Political Sociology
- Political Economy of Redistribution
- Comparative Public Administration and Public Employment
- Laboratory Experiments in Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Energy and transportation policy
- Economic development
- Global environmental change
Methods Expertise
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Spatial econometric modeling
Research Interests
Methods Expertise
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Statistical Visualization
- Data Mining
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Computational Statistics
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Network Research
- Social Inequality
- Organizations, Organizational Ecologies and Labor Markets
- Global Migration
- Residential Segregation and Neighborhoods
Research Interests
- European Union Studies
- Comparative Politics
- Political mobilization and political contestation
- Interest groups and political parties
- Institutions
Research Interests
- Political Culture, esp. Values and Value Change
- Political Participation, esp. Protest
Adacemic Coordination
- Research Training Group SELF
- Regular and Affiliated PhD Fellows at Constructor University
Research Interests
- Social Cohesion
- Construction and Change of Geopolitical Identities
- Personality and Identity Development in Response to Intercultural Experiences
- Acceptance of Diversity
Methods Expertise
- Mixed Methods
- Survey Design and Methodology
- Secondary Data Analysis
- Qualitative Research Methods, such as (Expert) Interviews, Focus Groups, and Creative Workshops
Service Areas
- Questions around the Curriculum
- Consulting and mentoring regarding the whole dissertation process
- Conflict management
- Strategic and organizational development
Research Interests
- Political Economy
- Social Policy and Inequality
- Comparative Politics
- Developing Economics
- Survey Methodology, Survey Experiments
Research Interests
- Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Social Policy Evaluation
- Development Economics (projects in Bangladesh and Colombia)
- Applied Game Theory
- Human-Algorithm Interaction
Research Interests
- Economic aspects of system transformation
- Structural change
- Innovation processes
Research Interests
- Strategic Management
- Dynamics of Digitalization
- Economics of Innovation
Research Interests
- Post- and Decolonial Theories
- Critical Race Theories
- Critical Diversity Literacy for Educators
- Revolutionary Pedagogy
- Adult and Higher Edcuation
Research Interests
- Protest and social movements, particularly protest outcomes and success, movement strategies
- Party behaviour and party competition
- Quantitative methods, particularly text-as-data, machine learning, Natural Language Processing
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67460
Research Interests
- Natural resource governance
- Digital governance
- China’s foreign relations
- Domestic politics of China’s foreign relations
- Policy implementation in China
Research Interests
- Social Inequality
- Political Sociology of the Welfare State
- Economic Sociology
- Methods of Empirical Social Science
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218-67467
Research Interests
- peace and conflict research
- feminist analyses of political violene and armed conflict
- methods and ethics of researching political violence
- masculinities in the context of sexual and gender-based violence
- love and care in the context of political violence
Research Interests
- Social and technological change and inequality
- Dynamics of intragenerational mobility
- Family and intergenerational reproduction
- Gender inequality
- Skills and competencies in the labor market
Universität Bremen, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft (IfG)
Tel.: 0049 (0)421 - 218 67235
Research Interests
- European and Global History from 1800 to the present
- History of the Welfare State
- The Correlation of Social Policy and Protectionism
- Globalization Processes in Modern History
Methods Center
Research Interests
- Political Socialization (Xenophobia, Right-wing extremism)
- Value Change and Value Transmission
- Social Cohesion
Methods Expertise
- Analysis of Variance
- Latent Growth Modeling
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Structural Equation Modeling
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Inequality
- Ageing Societies
- Quality of Life & Subjective Well-being
Methods Expertise
- Panel Analysis
- Time-series Analysis
Research Interests
- Quality of Life, Quality of Work, Work-Life Balance
- Family, Household, Gender
- Social Capital and Social Cohesion
- Life Course Research
Methods Expertise
- Event History (Survival) Analysis
- Questionnaire Construction
- Research Design and Modeling
- Survey Design
- Various Regression Techniques
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Network Research
- Social Inequality
Methods Expertise
- Case Selection
- Generalization in qualitative Research
- Expert Interviews
- Grounded Theory
- Mixed Methods Designs
- Qualitative comparative Analysis
- Qualitative Content Analysis
- Qualitative Interviewing: from guided Interviews to narrative Interviews
- Reconstructive Methods of Data Analysis (documentary Method of Interpretation / Bohnsack, Narration Analysis / Schütze, objective Hermeneutics / Oevermann)
- Social Network Research (Theoretical Concepts, quantitative and qualitative approaches)
Research Interests
- Social cohesion
- Gender-based violence
- Health inequalities
- Family and health care policy
Methods Expertise
- Questionnaire design
- Phenomenological qualitative research
Universität Bremen, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS)
Tel.: +49 421 218 67475
Research Interests
- International Political Sociology
- Sociology of the State
- Political Violence
Research Interests
- Energy and transportation policy
- Economic development
- Global environmental change
Methods Expertise
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Spatial econometric modeling
Research Interests
Methods Expertise
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Statistical Visualization
- Data Mining
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Computational Statistics
Research Interests
- European Union Studies
- Comparative Politics
- Political mobilization and political contestation
- Interest groups and political parties
- Institutions
Adjunct Faculty
Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg
Adjunct Faculty
Tel.: +49 (0) 7720 309-4430
Research Interests
- Security Studies, Military and International Relations
- Comparative and Historical Studies of the Welfare State
- Cold War Studies
- Politics of Memory/Politics of History
- Labour History and Communist Studies
Research Interests
- European Politics and Policy Making
- Theories of Institutions and Institutional Change
- Regulation
- New Modes of Governance
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Family and Population
- Generations
- (Comparative) Welfare State Analysis
Research Interests
- Party competition
- Party organizations
Methods Expertise
- Case studies (single Case and comparative)
- Concept Formation and Measurement
- Multi-method Designs
- Process tracing
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
- Time-series Cross-section regression
Research Interests
Main Fields of Interest:
- International Political Ecnomy
- Comparative Welfare State Research
- Colonialism and Social Policy
- Quantitative Methods of Social Science
Method Set and Software Skills:
- Panel data analysis
- Spatial Econometrics
- Structural Equation Modelling
- STATA, R, ArcGis, Pajek, Matlab
Research Interests
- Diversity, esp. Gender and Disability
- Media Reception and Media Effects
Methods Expertise
- Argumentation Analysis
- Case Selection in Qualitative Research
- Coding
- Metaphor Analysis
- Mixed Methods
- Narrative Analysis
- Pragmalinguistic Analysis
- Qualitative Content Analysis
- Subjective Theories#
- Types and Typologies
- Qualitative Research
- Arts-based Research
Research Interests
- Aging
- Community Health
- Education
- Health Care Policy
Research Interests
- Comparative research on trade unions and trade union renewal
- Evelopments in collective bargaining - institutions, governance and outcomes
- Changing labour markets, in particular developments in the GIG-economy
Research Interests
- Institutional Economics
- Comparative Political Economy
- Political Economy of Russia and China
- Bureaucratic Incentives and Economic Growth
- Industrial Policy, Innovation, Absorptive Capacity, Technology Transfer
Emeritus Faculty
Research Interests
- Latent class analysis
- Multilevel regression for cross-sectional and panel data
- Structural equation modeling
- Nonresponse bias and measurement error in survey data
Research Interests
- Social Policy and Elderly Care Arrangements
- Gender, Work and Welfare
- Public Sector Employment
- Labor Markt Dynamics and Non-standard Work
Research Interests
Sociology of Youth
Transitions from Education to Employment in Cross-National perspective
Biography and Life Course Studies
Research Interests
- Intersectionality, Diversity Studies
- Gender/Queer/Postcolonial Studies
- Racism and institutional discrimination
- Refugee Studies
- Migration and health
- Research on (higher) education
Methods Expertise
- Qualitative research methododology: ethnography in theory and practice, organizational research methods
Research Interests
Social theory
Social change
The life course
Education and employment
Research Interests
- Life Course Research
- Social Theory
- Knowledge Society