More PhD Alumni

Dr. Aigul Alieva

Educational Policies of Small Nations: Performance of Immigrant Children in Luxembourg and Switzerland

Ante Malinar

Influence of international organisations on social policy making in vulnerable countries: The case of Croatian healthcare financing policy

Josephine Assmus

Free to Move but Unprotected: Cross-Border Cooperation and Enforcement of Mobile Workers' Rights in the EU Single Market

Dr. Kerstin Blome

Individual Legal Protection beyond the Nation-State - An Indicator for the Internationalization of the Rule of Law

Dr. Esin Bozkurt

Conceptualising ’home’ across three generations and gender: Living circumstances and life histories of Turkish people in Germany

Dr. Anne-Katrin Broocks

Mangroves and Meaning-Making over time

Mr. Florian Buchmayr

Das Politische und das Soziale - Eine empirische Analyse des Verhältnisses zwischen sozialen Lebensbedingungen und ideologischen Positionen

Dr. Oliver Buntrock

Structures of Problem-Solving. Micro-Institutions and the Solution of the European Steel Crises in the European Coal and Stee Community

Dr. Oana Cinca

European Union Employment Law across South-Eastern Enlargement: Transposition of Community Labour Legislation in Bulgaria and Romania

Martín Cortina Escudero

Diverging Paths of Social Policy Development in Latin America States: A Case Study on Argentina and Mexico from the Colonial Times to the Early Post-World-War-II Period

Dr. Oliver Eberl

Demokratie und Frieden. Kants Friedensschrift in den Kontroversen über die Gestaltung globaler Ordnung

Dr. Katarzyna Gajewska

Europeanizing Workers' Solidarity. Mechanisms of Commitment to Cooperation within the European Trade Union Movement

Dr. Mayank Kumar Golpelwar

The BPO Crowd: An Empirical Assessment of Employees´ Perceptions and Societal Criticism of Call Centers in India

Ms. Christina Grabbe

Enfant Terrible of Policy-Makers and Mobile Workers’ Porous Safety Net – The Challenges of the EU Coordination of Social Security

Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hammermeister

Der Einfluss von Rechts- und Finanzsystemen auf die Ausgestaltung der Rechnungslegung

Anders Hentschel

Social Policy Coordination within the European Semester: EU Policy Recommendations and Domestic Responses

Dr. Oliver Hormann

Das soziale Netz der Familie - Eine Praxeologie familiärer Hilfebeziehungen

Dr. Zoran Janevski

The Powers of the Commission in the Process of Administration of the European Competition Rules, the `Rule of Law´ and the Undertakins´ Procedural Rights. Re-regulating the European Competition Network

Saipira Furstenburg

Applying Global Governance agenda in post-Soviet states: The case of EITI in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Dr. Juma Kalyegira

The Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction for the Psychological Wellbeing and Social-Cultural Integration of Refugees in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement, Uganda

Dr. Chisomo Kapulula

Cohesion and Legitimacy in the International Law on Foreign Investment: Perspectives from Public International Law and Global Administrative Law

Dr. Tilmann Krüger

Strategic Litigation in the World Trade Organization

Dr. Erica Marat Iskakova

Domestic Sources of Regional Alignment in the Postcolonialism: A Study of Security Policies in the Post-Soviet Central Asian States

Dr. Christian May

Common Sense on Economic Order-Are Emerging Economies Challenging Global Liberalism?

Dr. Nadja Meisterhans

Eine Verfassung für die Weltgesellschaft? Zur herrschaftsbegründenden Konstitutionalisierung von Menschenrechten

Dr. Andreas Müller

Exterritorialization of Migration Control. Ukraine and the External Borders of the European Union

Dr. Andreas Obermaier

The End of the Principle of Territoriality? The Impact of European Court of Justice Rulings in the Domain of Patient Mobility on Germany, France and the United Kingdom

Alex Nadège Ouedraogo

The food question - Internationalised Welfare in Senegal

Dr. Luicy Pedroza

The Creative Destruction of Citizenship. On How Democracies Debate the Enfranchisement of Settled Immigrants and Redefine Citizenship in Doing So

Mauricio Reichenbachs

Corporatism is dead, long live corporatism!

Dr. Christian Reisinger

Patterns of Post-Conflict Governance: Towards a Typology of Post-Conflict Polities

Dr. Claudia Ruddat

Fördern und Fordern. Bestimmungs- und Erfolgsfaktoren von Reformbegründungen - der Fall Hartz IV

Dr. Marlene Seiffarth

The perpetuation of the Migrant-in-the-Family Care Model in Italy

Dr. Liuben Siarov

The Economics of Lifelong Learning and Skill formation: Risk, Return and Individual Choice

Dr. Larysa Tamilina

The Impact of Welfare States on Social Trust Formation: a Multidimensional Approach

Dr. Lars Thomann

Steps to Compliance with International Labour Standards. The ILO and the Abolition of Forced Labour

Dr. Ekaterina Vorobeva

Central Asian Migrant Entrepreneurship in Russia: Refining the Mixed Embeddedness Approach

Elizabeth Ramsay Wise

Stepping Stones, Dead Ends and Paths of Dualization: The Impact of Non-Standard Employment on Labor Market Integration in Germany

Dr. Jonathan da Rosa

Emerging Powers, Climate Change, and the Global Order: Analyzing the National Role Conceptions of Brazil, South Africa, India and China (BASIC)

Dr. Hao Yuan

Declining Subjective Well-Being in Boom: the Case of China

Dr. Hawa Noor Zitzmann

Micro-mobilisation to Violent Politicised Religion. Interpreting Motivations with Former Kenyan Participants in al-Shabaab