Stefan Wallaschek's PhD Defense › view all
“Mapping Solidarity in Europe. Discourse Networks in the Euro crisis and Europe's Migration Crisis" (Field A)
August 29, 2019
University of Bremen, UNICOM-Building 7, Conference Room (7.3280)
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
Dissertation Defenses
Event type: public
Our Dean Olaf Groh-Samberg is pleased to report that the PhD Dissertation of Stefan Wallaschek is ready to be defended.
You are therefore cordially invited to the Oral Defense of Stefan Wallaschek's PhD Thesis:
“Mapping Solidarity in Europe. Discourse Networks in the Euro crisis and Europe's Migration Crisis"
Stefan Wallaschek's Oral Defense is scheduled for Thursday, 29th August at 12:00 at the University of Bremen, Unicom, Conference Room 7.3280.
The Examination Board is composed of:
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liebert
- Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss
- Prof. Dr. Arndt Wonka
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich
- Anna Wolkenhauer
- Simon Tunderman
Hope to see many of you there!