John Berten's PhD Defense › view all

“Laboratories of social knowledge: How international organizations constructed social policy through numbers, 1919-2015” (Field A)

July 09, 2020 - 16:00h/4:00pm
Series: Dissertation Defenses
Event type: public

Our Dean of BIGSSS, Prof. Olaf Groh-Samberg, is pleased to report that the PhD Dissertation of John Berten is ready to be defended.

You are therefore cordially invited to the Oral Defense of John Berten's PhD Thesis:

“Laboratories of social knowledge: How international organizations constructed social policy through numbers, 1919-2015”

John Berten's Oral Defense is scheduled for Thursday, 9th of July at 16:00.

The Examination Board is composed of:

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff
  • Prof. Lutz Leisering PhD
  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Martens
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
  • Anna Wolkenhauer
  • Tobias Böger

The defense will be public, but audience participation will be online only. To receive the link to the video conference, please send an email to John Berten at before July 2nd.

Hope to see many of you there!