Dennis Redeker's PhD Defense › view all
"Digital Constitutionalism: Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Struggle for Human Rights in the Digital Age"
March 26, 2021
16:00 h
Dissertation Defenses
Event type: public
Our Dean of BIGSSS, Prof. Dr. Patrick Sachweh, is pleased to report that the PhD Dissertation of Dennis Redeker is ready to be defended.
You are therefore cordially invited to the Oral Defense of Dennis Redeker's thesis:
"Digital Constitutionalism: Transnational Advocacy Networks and the Struggle for Human Rights in the Digital Age".
Dennis Redeker's Oral Defense is scheduled for Friday, 26th of March at 16:00.
The Examination Board is composed of:
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Martens
- Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
- Dr. Mauro Santaniello
- Prof. Dr. Urs Gasser
- Prof. Dr. Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm
- Dr. Tim Dorlach
- Dung Le Thuy
The defense will be public, but will take place online only. To receive the link to the video conference, please send an email to Dennis Redeker by March 19th, 2021.
Hope to see many of you there!