Helen Seitzer's PhD Defense › view all
Conceptualizing the Transnational Education Policymaking Process form a Relation Perspective
October 07, 2021
15:00 h
Hybrid event (online only for audience)
Dissertation Defenses
Event type: public
Our Dean of BIGSSS, Prof. Dr. Patrick Sachweh, is pleased to report that the PhD Dissertation of Helen Seitzer is ready to be defended.
You are therefore cordially invited to the Oral Defense of Helen Seitzer's PhD Thesis “Conceptualizing the Transnational Education Policymaking Process form a Relation Perspective”.
Helen Seitzer's Oral Defense is scheduled for Thursday, 7th of October at 15:00.
The Examination Board is composed of:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Windzio
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Martens
- Prof. Gita Steiner-Khamsi
- Dr. Dennis Niemann
- Jakob Henninger
- Tobias Böger
This defense will be public, but audience participation will be mostly online. To receive the link to the video conference, please send an email to Helen Seitzer before October 4th.