Proposal Defense: Christof Wittmaack › view all

Public opinion and the development of the activating welfare state

November 11, 2021 - 10-12 h
Unicom , Conference Room (7.3280)
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7
Series: Proposal Defenses
Event type: public

Our Dean Patrick Sachweh is pleased to announce that the proposals of the BIGSSS cohort from February 2021 are ready to be presented to the public!

You are therefore cordially invited to participate online in the upcoming public proposal defenses of our doctoral fellows:


Christof Wittmaack (University of Bremen)

Public opinion and the development of the activating welfare state

Supervisors: Herbert Obinger, Nicolas Dörr


If you want to join the porposal defense and are not a participant of the Doctoral Colloquium, please contact Patrick Sachweh beforehand.