Proposal Defense: Anne Speer › view all
How characteristics of social groups shape intergroup relations in contexts of inequality
Our Dean Patrick Sachweh is pleased to announce that the proposals of the BIGSSS cohort from February 2021 are ready to be presented to the public!
You are therefore cordially invited to participate online in the upcoming public proposal defenses of our doctoral fellows:
Anne Speer (FGZ, University of Bremen): How characteristics of social groups shape intergroup relations in contexts of inequality
How social groups relate to each other has consequences for social integration and group-based inequalities. In this proposed research I integrate sociological and social-psychological theories and identify a vertical and an ideational dimension on which social groups differ. The vertical dimension reflects a group’s control over resources and the ideational dimension reflects values, beliefs, and ideologies. I will use these two dimensions in order to study intergroup relations including intergroup attitudes, (dis)trust, and discrimination, and explore how the level of contextual inequality influences the dimensions’ effects on intergroup outcomes. Based on the findings, I will draw implications for group-based inequalities and social integration.
The proposal defens takes place online via MS Teams in the conetxt of the BIGSSS doctoral colloquium at Jacobs University (