New Publication by PhD Fellow Lara Minkus › view all
"Gender Wage Inequalities Between Historical Heritage and Structural Adjustments: A German–German Comparison Over Time"
BIGSSS PhD fellow Lara Minkus published a new article on "Gender Wage Inequalities Between Historical Heritage and Structural Adjustments: A German–German Comparison Over Time" with co-author Anne Busch-Heizmann. The article was published in the Oxford Academic Social Politics Journal.
Access the article "Gender Wage Inequalities" through the Journal website.
While research on the gender pay gap (GPG) is growing, there is little evidence on the stability or convergence of GPGs against the backdrop of sudden historical changes. Taking advantage of German reunification, after which western male-breadwinner policies were superimposed on the hitherto gender egalitarian East, we illuminate this research gap. Using decompositions on the Socio-economic Panel, we examine how historically grown gender arrangements influence the GPG in eastern and western Germany 1990–2013. We find support for the concept of a stalled gender revolution and a continued influence of pre-unification gender arrangements on the German GPG.