The Role of Organizational Factors in Mobilizing Professionals: Evidence from Nurse Unions in the United States and Germany › view all
New Publication by BIGSSS Alumna Jennie Auffenberg
BIGSSS Alumna Jennie Auffenberg published a new co-authored article on "The Role of Organizational Factors in Mobilizing Professionals: Evidence from Nurse Unions in the United States and Germany" (2020) with Nick Krachler and Luigi Wolf. The article was published in BJIR - An International Journal of Employment Relations.
Download "Organizational Factors in Mobilizing Professionals" through the Journal's website.
Scholars have intensely debated the conditions under which trade unions can successfully mobilize professionals. We explore an internationally comparative perspective on mobilizing professionals by asking how two nurse unions in the United States and Germany successfully limited management's prerogative over staffing levels. We found that German national institutions had little influence over the bargaining process; instead, factors at the level of organizations and their environment (leadership support, organizational restructuring, coalitionābuilding with supportive stakeholders and framing) enabled mobilization. Based on a power resources perspective, we conclude that unions can mobilize professionals using militancy, even without much support from national institutions.