Four DAAD doctoral stipends to open in 2021 and 2022 on "Global Inequality, the Middle Classes and the Welfare Stateā€ › view all


We are very pleased to report that a proposal by BIGSSS on the topic of "Global Inequality, the Middle Classes and the Welfare State” has been positively evaluated in DAAD’S Graduate Scholarship Programme (GSSP).  Both in 2021 and 2022, two attractive scholarships (48 months) will be offered, all four positions in the aforementioned thematic intersection of Bremen’s new FGZ, the CRC 1342, BIGSSS’ new Research Training Group SELF and many of the SOCIUM colleagues’ research programs.

Alle BIGSSS' staff and faculty are optimistic to further strengthen doctoral education in this important focus area of the Bremen social sciences. For more info on the opening of the stipend program stay tuned on the website or contact BIGSSS Managing Director, Dr. Christian Peters.