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Former PhD fellow, Dennis Redeker, joined BIGSSS again

We are pleased to announce that our former PhD student, Dennis Redeker, has joined BIGSSS this month as an affiliated postdoc. Dennis currently works as a research associate at the SOCIUM in the research group of Frank Nullmeier on the fields of Internet, AI, and platform governance. Until recently, he has been a research fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) conducting research on the impacts of Covid-19 on human rights on the internet and piloting a study for a larger project on democratic legitimacy of platform content governance.

Dennis has been a regular PhD fellow of the Cohort 2016 at BIGSSS. In his dissertation “Digital Constitutionalism: Transnational Networks and the Struggle for Human Rights in the Digital Age” he has been working on internet governance, transnational relations, and digital constitutionalism. He has been an active member of the BIGSSS community, organizing, for example, Academic Integrity Workshops and a Writing Group.

Welcome back to the BIGSSS community, Dennis!