BIGSSS Annual Report 2021 › view all


Newly published: Annual Report of the BIGSSS year 2021

Last year, BIGSSS silently celebrated a birthday: 20 years of structured social science graduate education in Bremen. In 2001, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen adopted the statutes of the predecessor of BIGSSS, the Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSS). This was the starting point for structured doctoral education in the social sciences in Bremen.

This was reason enough for us to launch a BIGSSS Annual Report. The Annual Report looks retrospectively on the institutional and academic developments and new faces at BIGSSS in the previous calendar year. It includes portraits of all new BIGSSS fellows, faculty, and staff, informs about who has graduated, new publications, newly launched PhD programs, and includes a foreword by the Deans and the Managing Director.

We are proud to introduce the Annual Report 2021!