Unicom, Haus 9, Room: 9.4160
Regular Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2015
Dissertation topic
Doing elections: How global ordering works through missionizing, intervening, working and managing
Dissertation abstract
The thesis studies the conditions of possibility and implications of the political technology of electoral assistance. The aim of the study is to investigate how this technology works in order to understand the global order that makes it possible. To this end, the project adopts an interpretive ethnographic approach to practices in the field of electoral assistance. This approach is based on the assumption that practices are power effects that constitute both structures and subjects. The thesis will make an empirical contribution as a study of an unexplored field of practice, a theoretical contribution to theorizing on ‘global ordering’ and offer a methodological innovation that shows what ethnography can contribute to IR.
Current Job
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)
Post-Doctoral Researcher