BIGSSS, Universität Bremen
Unicom, Haus 7, Room: 7.3100
Regular Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2021
Research Interests
- Family Solidarity
- Social Policy
- Welfare Attitudes
- Quantitative Methods
- Survey Methodology
Dissertation topic
Family Solidarity and Welfare Preferences in Cross-National Perspective
Dissertation abstract
Although research on social policy attitudes has explored multiple explanatory factors, it has
barely addressed the role played by the family in welfare provision. The proposed dissertation
intends to tackle this research gap by focusing on the financial dimension of intergenerational
solidarity. As parents and adult children exchange resources to insure each other against life
contingencies, the need for social benefits shrinks, but an undesired dependency on family solidarity
might also lead to increased demands for public provision. The interplay between familyand
state-based welfare provision and its’ potential effects on welfare attitudes are explored,
considering different specific policy designs from a comparative perspective, emphasising how
institutional and cultural factors determine differences in family support across societies. The
proposed studies take a quantitative approach based on the use of secondary survey data.
Academic Supervisors
Patrick Sachweh
Nate Breznau
Manuela Naldini