Regular Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2014
Research Interests
Global governance and international organisations
Political Sociology
Armed conflict & Forced migration
Peacekeeping, humanitarianism, development aid, particulary in regards to the 'Protection of Civilians'
Qualitative methods/ Ethnography
Geographic focus: Central and East Africa
Dissertation topic
Inter-Organizational Relations in the Field of Protection:
The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Dissertation abstract
My on-going PhD research is on the interaction between international protection actors in the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Formerly a term for specific humanitarian action, protection has become an umbrella concept which causes quite a lot of confusion about what it actually means and who is responsible for it. The proliferation of organizations, continuous broadening of their mandates and connected discourses on protection have increasingly led to institutional overlaps between protection actors. Through overlapping mandates, activities, needs, etc.,
Academic Supervisors
Klaus Schlichte
Séverine Autesserre
Alex Veit