BIGSSS, Universität Bremen
Unicom, Haus 7, Room: 7.3120
Regular Ph.D. Fellow, Cohort 2023
Dissertation topic
Interactions between economic and gender inequality in various policy and cultural environments in Europe and Latin America
Dissertation abstract
T Low but rising economic inequalities in the industrialised world run parallel to much higher but declining levels of inequality in Latin America, which are intertwined with the ifferent but declining levels of gender inequality in the two regions. The two inequalities and their interactions have been widely studied. However, most have not considered the context of family policy aimed at reducing both inequalities in societies. The proposed PhD research seeks to examine the interaction between the two trends and the relevance of the family policy context in this interaction under different cultural, societal and institutional circumstances in European and Latin American countries. The analysis will be carried out using a combination of macro and micro approaches on the Luxemburg Income Study microdata. Based on the results of the analysis, a generalised conclusion can be drawn about the most inequality-easing policy interventions.
Academic Supervisors
Simone Scherger
Sonja Drobnic